Our Activities Director, Krissy Cameron and our resident DJ, Carl Monn have announced the theme for our Memorial Day dance. Drum roll please……, the theme is “Pink Out”. We all personally know either a friend or family member who has been stricken with cancer of some sort. Even in our Timberline community we have friends who have battled and beaten, are battling and beating, and, unfortunately there have been a few who fought this disease bravely to the very end. So along with honoring and remembering those who have fought for our freedom we will also dress up in our pinkest attire and support those we have lost and those who are currently battling and kicking cancers butt!!! More info will follow next week.
Saturday, May 13th, we will have our first ” Kidz Kamp” at the Rec. Hall. This will be at 2:oo pm and the kids will be making projects for Mothers Day. This is a great way to get your children involved and where they can meet new friends. We could use some volunteer help if you have an hour to spare at that time. It would be greatly appreciated.
The craft sale normally the last weekend in June has been tentatively scheduled for July 15th. This will be dependent on available help to set this up. If you are interested in helping contact Cindy Gustafson site 23 or sign up at the office. Thank you!
If you know anyone interested in a beautiful Park Model set up on site 52, let the office know. $41,500, complete as it sits.
Dust control will be spraying the roads again this year. They usually show up in June.
I try my hardest to keep these newsletters as positive as I possibly can, but, I need to address a few issues. 1) My main sewage pumps were both plugged last week. They do a great job of grinding and pumping your odiferous digested waste to the city system. They do not do so well on female feminine products, tampon applicators, diapers and such. There were many of these products caught up in the pumps, and believe me they are in no way sanitary when I have to clean out the pumps. DO NOT FLUSH THESE ITEMS!!!
2) We had numerous complaints about unleashed dogs. This is a recipe for disaster! Keep them under control at all times!
3) Last fall we contemplated making changes to our golf cart rules. We ultimately decided to wait and see what happens in the new 2017 season. Well it only took one weekend! We had a report of somebody driving without headlights, 45 minutes after curfew. We aren’t going to change any rules because the greater majority of you follow the rules and we sincerely thank you! Starting immediately those who choose not to follow the rules will be asked to take their carts back home. Also we have gone through the park and identified each cart and are checking against our records if; 1) you have a signed contract; 2) your site numbers are on the cart, and; 3) we have current proof of insurance information for your cart. If you haven’t satisfied all 3 of these criteria, your cart will be red tagged and not allowed to be driven in the campground until these criteria are satisfied. I will be giving a list of non compliant carts to my staff and they will report to Don or myself, those who choose not to abide by these rules.
4) We do not allow electric scooters, go-carts, mini bikes etc. on the campground roads. Basically anything faster than walking speed. You are welcome to take them to the east side of our property and run the trails out there.
5) I have installed the speed bumps at the entrance canopy so put your flaps down early and slow down before you hit the entrance. Speed limit in the campground is 10 mph for all motorized vehicles, golf carts included!
END OF RANT! I do apologize!!
The weekend forecast looks mighty nice. Let’s make it a great Mothers Day weekend!
Travel Safe!!
Vern and Cindy