Saturday July 8th: Annual River Regatta: After last years rain out ( sort of ) it’s back bigger and better than ever! Starting at noon we will all meet at the landing and as a group float down the “Mighty Moosehorn”. It would be a fun addition if each individual group of family and friends came up with a theme for the flotilla! We have a very limited amount of tubes for rent so please bring your own if possible. Once we reach the sandy shores of the Pavilion beach area you will all be treated to a roasted corn feed and BBQ. At 3:00- 5:00 pm, the Mark Jukich band hits the stage for our first live performance followed by Showtime at 7:00 pm. It will be another night of memories that will be talked about for some time to come!
Saturday July 15th: 9:00 am -1:00 pm is the Craft Show at the Rec. Hall. You still have time to reserve a spot and sell your wares. Let us know in the office if you are interested please.
We all survived an incredible 4th of July weekend. The parade was great and the fireworks and music show were a fantastic way to end our celebration of the birth of the greatest county on earth! And, thank you for all of the compliments. We appreciate hearing them. We strive to do the very best we can to make Timberline “THE” place to be.
Travel safe and let’s all have another Memory filled Timberline weekend!!
Vern and Cindy